Frog Party: Hop over for some Frog Party Ideas. What’s more fun than a little green frog? I’m sharing some super cute frog party ideas today. Be sure to checkout all of our Frog Party Ideas and Inspiration.
My daughters think that frogs are gross. So, we were reading the story of the princess and the frog and they were NOT amused.
“Ewwww. Frogs are gross.” says my 3 year old with her little scrunched up face. You would think that I just handed her a big plate full of liver. “Mommy, I could never kiss a frog…not even for a Prince. Not even for Prince Eric. Ewwww.” Honestly…I can’t say I blame her. I don’t think I could kiss one either…
Alas, this is the difference between little boys and little girls. While my girls squeal and run away from the slimy little buggers, boys run straight too them!
Honestly, though…aren’t frogs soo cute?! (Okay…maybe not real ones, but cute little frog drawings!!) This is one of my favorite springtime themes for little boys.
Here are some awesome Frog Party Ideas…
1. Frog Pond Cupcakes from Sweeten Your Day
Okay…adorable, right!! I love the little frog peeking up out of the water. CLEVER!!
2. Frog Cake from The Princess and the Frog Blog
Possibly one of the cutest cakes I have ever seen…I LOVE it! My favorite part is the super long tongue. Fantastic!!
3. Frog Cake Pops from Smartie Box Cake Studios
I’m a sucker for some super cute cake pops and of course these are SUPER CUTE! I love the little blush cheeks too. It’s a great addition and would also be fabulous if your little lady was into frogs:)
4. Frog Balloon Backdrop on Catch My Party
This frog balloon backdrop is ingeniously cool. Way to really make a statement. I love the way the blue balloons also have an ombre effect. Awesome!!
5. Frog Birthday Hat from Pixie and Penelope
Isn’t this adorable? I think this little hat would be perfection for first birthday smash photos. Can’t you just see a cute little chubby cheeked guy in this hat with cake all over his face…Love it!!
Do you love these frog party ideas? Pin this image to your Pinterest board for birthdays:
Here are some helpful links for throwing a frog party:
Wanna throw a Frog Party?
The Printable Frog Decorations Collection is available in my shop: