Super adorable milk and cookies party with stunning cookie cake options!
What’s more fun that combining a birthday party with delicious milk & cookies? The best part, of course, is creating a tasty milk and cookies cake! A milk and cookie party theme is a great way to take something so deliciously simple and kid-friendly and turning it onto a easy, inexpensive and adorable birthday theme.
And of course, easy to use milk & cookies printables help tie it all together! Check out the awesomeness…
What’s sweeter than a milk and cookies party? I love the simplistic yet still udder-ly (pun intended) charming feel of milk and cookies. It works perfectly for a vintage party and for this particular spread, I decided to go with a shabby chic feel. Perfection.
Milk and Cookies Cake Ideas
Milk and Cookies Party: Creative Cakes for a Cookie Party. Throwing a milk and cookies party? Here are some amazing cookie themed cakes perfect for a milk and cookies party.
After these fun cake ideas, scroll down to see the fun milk and cookies themed birthday I styled using milk and cookies printables (also available at the bottom of this post!)
I am in love with the adorableness of Milk and Cookies parties. I mean first off…how easy a theme…tons of homemade cookies and you are set, right. Second…it can have such a cute vintage feel. Loving it!!!
With such a straightforward theme, it’s important to think a little outside the box…and what more outside of the box than CAKES for a COOKIE party. I’ve got some fabulous cookie themed cakes to share today…check it out.
Milk and Cookies Cake from Sweet Bakes
So this cake is so stinking cute! I think I am in LOVE with it. I love the hand drawn details and the simple clean feel. Perfection!! The little hearts are too, too much.
Vintage Cookie Cake from Three Little Monkey’s Studios
This cake is also super adorable. I love the little cookies on top and the fun flags too! Cute, cute! I love simple ideas like this…especially if you can make it work with an inexpensive grocery store cake!!
Oreo Layer Cake from
This is a clever and inexpensive cake idea!! What’s better than oreos anyway?? Also…bonus: the cake is already in individual servings…just don’t take one from the bottom;)
Cookie Layer Cake from Kelsey’s Essentials
This cake is adorable and super clever. Cake meets cookie in an AWESOME way! I also love that it doesn’t need to be frosted….cuz well, I’m a frosting spaz!
Aren’t these cakes stunning?
Milk and Cookies Party
If you are going to bake a cookie themed cake, you should go ahead a style a whole milk and cookies party around it, right? Here is our cookie themed party:
Another awesome thing about a milk and cookies party is the fact that it is basically a guaranteed hit with the kids. They go nuts for cookies. And honestly, who can blame them? Cookies are fantastic!!!
I set up this fun little playdate for my girls…check out the details:
The table skirt was made using this table skirt tutorial. I added a sweet fabric banner to the table skirt to add a little color.
The cake was a cookie layer cake inspired by this cake.
I backed the welcome sign with some patterned kraft paper and framed it for the table the girls used to eat their cookies. It was the perfect alternative to the traditional uses of the welcome sign, like hanging it on the front door in a wreath.
I filled the glass jars with mini chocolate chip cookies. These are inexpensive and can be purchased from any local grocery store. I also made homemade chocolate chip cookies and poked holes in them to insert the straw as a cute little milk bottle topper.
Another fun and inexpensive idea for a milk and cookies party is to use cleaned out frappuccino bottles instead of the more pricey milk bottles you can buy. They are easy to use and just as cute!!!
I also used the mini chocolate chip cookies to dress up the cupcakes!! Awesome-sauce!!
All in all it was a blast. Now I need a cookie and a glass of milk!!!
Here are some helpful links for throwing a milk and cookies party:
Wanna throw a Milk and Cookies Party?
The Printable Milk and Cookies Party Collection is available for purchase in my shop:
If you love these cookie ideas, please pin this image to your birthday Pinterest board:
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Hey Holly, That’s quite informational and helpful article. Specially the Milk and choclate cake stuff.. That’s yummy and awesome.. Thanks for sharing that yummy Cake stuff with us. I bookmarked this blog and will keep coming for future interesting posts. cheers!
Can you tell me how many Oreo cookies are in the Oreo cookie layer cake?