Add a little personality to your home decor with Canvas prints!

How to Personalize your Home Decor with a Custom Canvas.  Looking for an inexpensive way to add a little personalization to your home decor?  Creating a custom canvas does not have to break the bank. 

We have been a household of females for almost a decade.  I mean sure, we have had a couple boy dogs…but my ever patient husband has endured all things princess and girly for YEARS now. 

When we found out we were FINALLY having a little boy, it goes without saying that he was over the moon.  He is all about teaching little Rowdy to fish and hike and play football.

My husband also LOVES Batman.  When Rowdy was born, one of the first things we got for our new little man was a batman receiving blanket…and that is of course, what he was wrapped in for his hospital photos.  (Just to keep things fair he did go home in a Star Wars blanket, so he could also represent his Mama’s favorite geeky obsession.) 

For father’s day this year, I really wanted to do something special for my husband and celebrate that father/son Batman love.

I love Large Canvas prints, but honestly…they get pretty pricey.  Finding Easy Canvas Prints was perfect for me.  Not only is the quality awesome, but the price point was right on target!.  Each custom canvas prints and ships for a fraction of what you spend at other printers.


I printed out one of my favorite newborn photos of my little “batman” and paired it with a vintage Batman sign and some printable Batman decor I made to match.  I love decorating my home with pieces of us. 

Honestly, most of the decor on my walls is a hodge-podge combination of photos of our family and art I’ve made myself (and of course some geeky memorabilia.) 

Being able to order custom canvases without spending a ton of money in custom sizes really helps to infuse a little bit of “us” into our home.

If you are looking for some new home decor or have recently had family pictures taken, I highly recommend checking out Easy Canvas Prints for unique and personalized pieces to dress up any room of your home.  The canvases come in different depths and with framing options.  It’s really awesome!!

These canvases would also make amazing custom backdrops for party staging.  Particularly for a first birthday.  You could order a canvas of the birthday boy or girl to place on the party table. 

Also, at these prices, getting a custom canvas of the party design would be amazing too.  Now my head is whirling with ideas….expect to see these canvases all over my parties!!!

If you liked this idea, be sure to check out all of our home decorating ideas.

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Thank you for reading our ideas for Decorating with Canvas Art!